I'm a Trainer, and This Is My 20-Minute Workout When I Don't Have Time to Go to the Gym

I'm a Trainer, and This Is My 20-Minute Workout When I Don't Have Time to Go to the Gym

I'm a personal trainer, and as of lately, I find it nearly impossible to schedule my own training sessions. Ironic, right? I'm not sure if I'll ever reach homeostasis when it comes to fitting in everything I want and need to do in a day, but until then, my quick fix is this total-body workout that is super fast and intense.

Since this workout is only 20 minutes, you will complete each exercise taking little to no rest in between. I typically use the transition into each exercise as my rest. As always, if you need to slow down the work, take more rest, or modify any exercises, please do so! Warning: this workout is intense and incorporates some plyometric exercises. If you have any injuries and/or knee issues, either modify those exercises, skip them completely, or do this low-impact workout instead. Once you've completed the circuit, take two to three minutes of rest and then repeat the circuit for a total of four rounds.

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