All You Need Are 2 Towels to Carve Chiseled Arms and Abs

All You Need Are 2 Towels to Carve Chiseled Arms and Abs

Elbow plank is already hard, but hold on to your leggings because it's about to get even harder. Grab a pair of hand towels (or paper plates on carpet) and try this sliding elbow plank.

Begin in an elbow plank position with a small, folded towel under each elbow. Keep your elbows directly under your shoulders, your back flat (with a neutral spine), and your core tight! Slide your right elbow forward until your arm is nearly fully extended. With control, bring the right elbow back to center. Repeat on the left side. This completes one rep. Continue alternating for 30 seconds. If you need to modify, you can drop to your knees (while keeping your back straight and core tight); you'll still work the core and triceps!

Image Source: POPSUGAR Studios

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